Ever since I’ve been instructing The Inner Power, I’ve been using it to upgrade all kinds of facets of daily life.
One of my favorites is to use breathwork to elevate the sexual experience. I’ve found that the state of mind (or absence of mind, since The Inner Power Method breathing brings the frequency of your prefrontal cortex down from beta to alpha— close to that of meditation) in combination with the extra energy created in your cells for longer stamina, and the activation of primordial powers from our lizard brain, can make for some serious fireworks.
Holding my spouse by the chest while sitting behind her against some pillows, and doing 3 or 4 rounds of breathing, requires that you are both on the same team. I’ve found that this is a unique and tender way to align with your partner. Just taking time to powerfully slow down and shut up is seriously important. Since women require foreplay of at least 3 hours (some say up to 24 hours) while a man can do the job and be fast asleep in 3 minutes flat, we need all the tools we can find to bridge the genders.
Speaking of bridging: The Inner Power Method practice also trains my Mula Bandha. Each time I squeeze the tube of toothpaste in the second retention of a breath cycle. In Taoist (and Tantric) lovemaking practices this is referred to as ‘bridging’. One of the most important muscles to train for a good sex life is this Mula Bandha or perineum muscle.
Another key aspect in uniting the sexes is the interesting way in which hormones function differently in men and women. Men need testosterone to deal with stress, while women need oxytocin. So we are indeed very different.
Another thing breathing helped me to do is slow down. If you get in heat, and keep going, it is very likely you’ll orgasm if you go beyond 80% of excitement. If you stop each time you are there, and don’t go over the edge, you are able to get to much higher states of orgasmic joy. At each ‘plateau’ you stop at 80%, do a breather, and start over. You don’t start again from 0; you have a higher base to launch from, which gets you higher. Plus: more feeling over your body is more control over your equipment!